Martin Croucher of the Khaleej Times observes the rising star of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, if popularity can be measured in Facebook Fans.
Sheikh Mohammed has seen a rapid rise on Facebook and his fan tally is still climbing towards 100,000.
Croucher compares Mohammed’s virtual entourage with other Middle Eastern leaders and the new-media savvy, Barack Obama.
The article postulates that this is not about numbers but that this latest expression in forging relationships between leader and people is one of the secrets to the UAE's success.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum’s Facebook Page.
Follow HH Sheikh Mohammed (HHShkMohd) on Twitter.
Martin Croucher, Mohammed ‘Goes Viral’ on Facebook, Khaleej Times, 6 August 2009.
More on Sheikh Mohammed
Make Sure to Connect with Sheikh Mohammed’s Correct Facebook Page, ETE, 16 July 2009.
Sheikh Mohammed Gets Public Page on Facebook and Thousands of Fans, ETE, 15 July 2009.
Sheikh Mohammed Showered With Birthday Greetings and Facebook Gifts, ETE, 31 July 2009.
Connect With Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid on Facebook, ETE.
Sheikh Mohammed Gains Too Many Friends on Facebook, ETE.
Follow Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai on Twitter, ETE.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Judged One of the 75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century, ETE.
Poems Give Most Revealing Glimpse of HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid al Maktoum, ETE.
Sheikh Mohammed Hailed as Most Powerful in Horse Racing Industry, ETE.
Sheikh Mohammed Pays Record Price for Aussie Horse Racing Deal, ETE.
Sheikh Mohammed’s Ambitions for Middle East, ETE.
Sheikh Mohammad Models Rare Style of Leadership, ETE.
Sheikh Mohammed’s Leadership is Honoured, ETE.
New Website for H H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ETE.
Dubai and Sheikh Mohammed on 60 Minutes Video, ETE.
Check it Out
Check out the new site America’s Cup in the UAE.
Dr Geoff Pound
Geoff can be contacted by email at geoffpound(at) on Facebook and Twitter.
Image: Sheikh Mohammed’s Facebook Page.
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