Is there wisdom that can be obtained from the 30-day fast – one of Islam’s five Pillars?
Yvonne Davis, President and CEO of Davis Communications asks this question in today’s edition of the Huffington Post.
She comes up with some positive answers and practical implication.
Part of her answer came from making visits to the Emirates.
Yvonne R Davis, Can a Christian Learn from Ramadan? Huffington Post, 24 August 2009.
Brian McLaren, a Christian, tells why he is joining Muslims on the fast of Ramadan in 2009, Ramadan 2009: Part 1 What’s Going On.
Brian McLaren is keeping a journal of his Ramadan Fast. Here is his Ramadan Prayer on Day 1, Ramadan 2009: Day 1.
Interactive: Ramadan, a Time to Reflect, Gulf News.
On Related Sites
Rae Fish Pulled Up in Fujairah, Experiencing the Emirates, 24 August 2009.
Harrison Ford Adds to the America’s Cup Drama, America’s Cup in the UAE, 23 August 2009.
Dr Geoff Pound
Geoff can be contacted by email at geoffpound(at)gmail.com on Facebook and Twitter.
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Image: ‘The Ramadan crescent moon…is a distinguishing symbol of the holy month. The moon is seen above a mosque (Photo courtesy of Gulf News).