Sonja Pöhlmann, who is a frequent contributor to the helpful site, ‘Spotted by Locals: Experience Barcelona Like a Local’, has posted this article and photographs which have an Arabic flavor:
“Thanks to the globalization you don’t have to travel to Marrakesh or Dubai anymore to experience an Arabic bath.”
“After spending a chilly winter day at the beach and in Park Ciutadella, you should try the new “Hamam” (relaxing hot steam bath in silence) located in El Born neighborhood right in front of the Park.”
“Taking a bath there is probably one of the most enjoyable experiences ever.”
“Have an Arabic mint tea on the warm luxury benches after enjoying aromatherapy, bubbles, candles, massages on hot stones etc. in the ambience of a beautiful ancient remodeled Spanish wine-cellar.”
“The prices are decent, a Hamam costs 24 Euros without massage and with massage 35 Euros.”
“Aire de Barcelona also offers gift vouchers ranging from 24 Euros up to 80 Euros. Giving a voucher to friends became my gift-idea-number-one in the last few month as the temperatures are falling….”
Details about this Arabian Hot Spot
Aire de Barcelona
Relaxing Bath with aromatherapy € 24.00
Paseo Picasso 22, El Borne (area map) +34902555789, 10:00 - 02:00 daily
Sonja Pöhlmann, Aire de Barcelona-Arabic Bath, 30 August 2009.
More on the Baños Árabes or Arab baths in Spain at Hammam Spain.
On Related Sites
I Know I’m Back in Fujairah UAE at Ramadan When…, Fujairah in Focus, 30 August 2009.
For UAE’s America’s Cup Venue Swing Past Camel Track Near Airport, America’s Cup in the UAE, 28 August 2009.
Dr Geoff Pound
Geoff can be contacted by email at geoffpound(at)gmail.com on Facebook and Twitter.
Ask him for details about advertizing and links on his sites.
Image: The hamam, Aire de Barcelona (Photos courtesy of Sonja Pöhlmann and ‘Spotted by Locals: Experience Barcelona Like a Local’).