The Telegraph has got ‘the richest city in the world’ snapped (pictured) and part of its ‘Cities at Night from Space’ series.
No details given about elevation or the date when this picture was taken.
Other Cities
If you’re interested in seeing what other cities look like this site has a range—London, Houston, El Paso, Montreal, Sao Paulo, Las Vegas, Anvers, Chicago, Tokyo, Madrid, Athens, Cairo, Riyadh, Tel Aviv, Seoul, Phoenix and Miami.
Ramadan Sighting
Here’s hoping that the sky will be this clear when the Ramadan Committee looks for the crescent moon to determine the commencement of the holy month.
Cities at Night from Space, Telegraph, 10 August 2009.
Fujairah the Scene of a Fantastique Spy Escape, Fujairah in Focus, 18 August 2009.
Educating Americans—the Greatest Benefit of Holding America’s Cup in UAE, America’s Cup in the UAE, 18 August 2009.
Dr Geoff Pound
Geoff can be contacted by email at geoffpound(at)gmail.com on Facebook and Twitter.
Ask him for details about advertizing and links on his sites.
Image: Looking down on Abu Dhabi. CLICK TO MAGNIFY. [Thanks to my friend who spotted I had posted Riyadh instead of AD! It is right now.]
More information from Izismile where they have also posted this: "The pics were taken by NASA astronauts from the International Space Station. At first, the pics were not interesting because all of them were blurred, but techniques and devices evolved over the years and now, you can have beautiful clear photos. One interesting thing is that Tokyo seen by night is rather green while other cities are more orange/yellow. In fact, the majority of the urban area in Tokyo has light green mercury vapour lamps instead of orange sodium vapour lamps."