While commencing on Facebook in June 2009, the popular Dubai Sheikh quickly developed hundreds of ‘friends’ and as Facebook permits a person to have only 5,000 friends, he signaled to his readers that he would go to a public page.
Become a Fan of Sheikh Mohammed
Stop Press: Here is the correct link for Sheikh Mohammed's public page.
This was the link where you can become a fan of the Sheikh, interact with him and enjoy his photographs.
At the time of writing he had 55,987 fans on Facebook.
Twitter With Sheikh Mohammed
Expressing his intention of using all means to communicate with people, Sheikh Mohammed recently joined Twitter, along with many other Twitterers in the UAE.
Here is the link for following Sheikh Mohammed on Twitter where at the time of writing he had 2,717 followers.
Sheikh Mohammed Showered With Birthday Greetings and Facebook Gifts, Experiencing the Emirates (ETE), 13 July 2009. See the links at the bottom of this article for many other postings on Sheikh Mohammed.
Check out this more recent article (16 July 2009) that updates this one.
Dr Geoff Pound
Geoff can be contacted by email at geoffpound(at)gmail.com on Facebook and Twitter.
Image: Snapshot of the public page of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum.