Since it was announced in Dubai that the world’s first camel milk chocolate was going global, they have been talking about this product all over the world. New outlets are being established in the USA and Japan (Gulf News, 15 August 2009).
They are anticipating this sensation in Mauritania, Kenya, India, Kuwait and Austria although there is in many of the reports a hint of caution—‘Will we like it?’ ‘Are you game to give it a try?’ The St Louis Post is running a poll today, asking its readers, “Would you drink camel milk?”
Why Try It?
Many will have a go because these chocolates are new. “You’ve got to try the latest chocolate innovation,” says More Inspiration. Why not let your taste buds experience some new sensations?
Camel Milk Chocolates for Your Health
Most important are the health benefits of eating these camel milk chocolates. Camel milk chocolates are being made from camel milk which is sold in UAE supermarkets as Camelicious.
A Wall Street Journal article about camel milk production in the USA reports the ways Arabs have benefited from camel milk for centuries:
“Camel milk is a centuries-old staple for nomadic tribes across the Middle East and Africa. It is also drunk by elderly men to enhance virility; by the sick to treat a variety of ailments; and by those who believe it has magical properties.”
Much has been written in recent years about the nutritional value of camel milk with its rich vitamin C content (three times as much as cow’s milk), its iron, unsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, less lactose and insulin. Camel milk is being touted as a panacea for many ailments.
Some Humps to Overcome
The Al Nassa company (founded and owned by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum) is a new company and while it aims to produce 100 tons of camel milk chocolate a year it may struggle to supply the international demand.
Its Dubai farm has 3,000 camels but if the demand is sustained there may well be more camels and farms needed to produce the ‘Lady Godiva’ gifts for the luxury global market. These chocolates will not be sold as regular products in supermarkets but in luxury shops in malls as well as online.
In the Meantime
In the meantime, if you cannot get a box of camel milk chocolate see if your supermarket can stock bottles of the therapeutic Camelicious. Also, see if your pharmacy might stock these healthy bottles of ‘oral insulin’.
All I Want For Christmas
When your relatives ask you what you would like for Ramadan or Christmas, put in your order for a box of camel milk chocolates. Make it several boxes because this gift will do wonders for your health and virility.
Camels up Close
Camels are intriguing animals with much to give you delight.
If you’re visiting the UAE, here are 10 Good Reasons to Ride a Camel.
Try Camel Milk, Camel Meat and Now Gourmet Quail in the Emirates, ETE.
Taste and See, SFS.
Celebrating Camels in the Emirates, ETE.
Dr Geoff Pound
Geoff can be contacted by email at geoffpound(at)gmail.com on Facebook and Twitter.
The UAE camels are working hard to produce offspring to supply the international demand for camel milk chocolate. (Photo courtesy of The Economist, 10-16 September 1994).