Billed as ‘the perfect hospitality companion’, what services are the butlers providing?
When, as a guest of the Palace you press the bell or call the IT line, your butler will provide consultation regarding your computer, advice on establishing your IT network, hints on handy applications and how you can get the best out of “the most extensive and fastest high speed wireless network service in UAE.”
Need an IT Butler?
Do you need palatial advice for your PC, tips for your Mac that are suited for a monarch? Just take your laptop and book in to the Emirates Palace for a weekend.
As they say in their advertising blurb, “you can now enjoy the pleasures of an IT Butler for private consultation.”
More on the Emirates Palace
Longing for the Emiratization of the Food Industry, ETE.
Emirates Palace Seeks World record in Opulence, ETE.
Dr Geoff Pound
Geoff Pound can be contacted by email at geoffpound(at)gmail.com on Facebook and Twitter.