In the UAE Blogging Community there are many blogs that specifically address different issues in Dubai, some that relate to Abu Dhabi and even one on Al Ain. While there are numerous bloggers writing from Fujairah there don’t appear to be any that put Fujairah in Focus. Hence this blog.
As stated in the blog blurb this site will write or offer a link to ‘news, views, people, issues and dreams from Fujairah, UAE’.
The Fujairah Observer is a valuable monthly magazine which keeps Fujairah readers informed of happenings and people. FUJAIRAH IN FOCUS is intended to add to this resource and, with its digital reach through the Internet, be one of the means of informing people of the UAE and in other countries what is going on in this eastern city and emirate.
Fujairah was in the international spotlight earlier this year when Cyclone Gonu struck. The national and international readers of Experiencing the Emirates skyrocketed over that time from 5 June 2007, especially with the many Americans who had been caught up in Hurricane Katrina. Since then Fujairah has been part of a story in the LA Times, it is frequently mentioned as one of the world’s largest bunkering sites or in connection with rising oil prices and this emirate is increasingly recognized by travel writers as a popular tourist destination that provides mountains for exploration and beaches for diving, rest and recreation.
Do drop me a line if you have articles and news for posting that have a Fujairah flavor.
The link to the new site is:
Geoff Pound
Image: A shot of the new blog site.