It seems that Americans can’t get enough of the United Arab Emirates. See the recent posting and fantastic photos on Abu Dhabi by the New York Socialite.
Good Morning America has sent a reporter to accompany Laura Bush on her Middle Eastern tour and the video not only has footage on Dubai. It focuses on the plans of the richest city in the world to also be the cultural ‘mecca’ of the Arab world with Guggenheim museum, Louvre galleries, a movie producing centre and the biggest Persian prayer mat in the world.
Some viewers have posted comments complaining that the video did not also highlight the fact that the building development in the capital and throughout the UAE has been accomplished by the hiring of cheap labour, who have worked long hours in blazing conditions for low wages.
Here is the link for the article and the video ‘Glitz on the Gulf: The Richest Place in the World’ (it is one of three):
‘Richest City Aims to be Cultural Mecca’, ABC News, 22 October 2007.
Image: A shot of Abu Dhabi.
Check out the new UAE Blog—Fujairah in Focus