Friday Stats
Here are some of the statistics for a race ran last Friday, 29 May 2009, in the city of towers:
* Jumeirah Emirates Tower was the venue
* 265 metres course straight up.
* 185 competitors (record number).
* 1334 stairs.
* 52 floors.
* Dh136,374 raised for charity.
* 42C or 108F temperature.
And the Winner is
Mattias Jahn, 26, a professional stair-climber from Germany won the race in just under eight minutes and then exclaimed, “I am very keen to do the Burj Dubai next year. It’s 160 storeys which I could do in 25 minutes.”
Get Into Training
Running the Burj Dubai, the highest building in the world! Now, there’s a challenge for vertical runners or tower runners and a marketer’s dream. Mark it down in your 2010 diary.
Read the full report at:
Tim Brooks, Long Way to the Top, The National, 30 May 2009.
Man Jumps off Burj Dubai World’s Tallest Tower, ETE.
Anara Tower, ETE.
Leaning Tower of Abu Dhabi, ETE.
Dubai Tower, ETE.
Top Ten for Architectural excellence, ETE.
Dr Geoff Pound
Image: The Jumeirah Emirates Tower and the Burj Dubai.