View of part of the Fujairah Corniche and the Hajar Mountains in the Background

Friday, June 6, 2008

Fujairah Exports Hookah Café to USA

At a time when restrictions are being imposed on Shisha smoking in the United Arab Emirates a Fujairah-inspired ‘Hookah House’ is hubba-bubbling along in Hendersonville, North Carolina.

To read about the American couple that got so hooked on the Fujairah shisha habit that they returned to the US to establish the Hendersonville Hookah House and to catch a whiff of why Americans have been sucked into this Emirati tradition, go to the web site on all things Fujairah:

Fujairah in Focus, 6 June 2008

Dr. Geoff Pound

Image: Sharing the Shisha in USA, courtesy of Bold Life.