Called a ‘Faith Off’, it will have the flashing lights, buzzers, puns and prizes that are common to ordinary game shows. The only difference is that contestants will be expected to demonstrate their religious knowledge.
Producers must think there is a market and an audience for such a competition even as this new God show runs up against the Idol juggernaut.
A faith quiz may be helpful as a means of education. It could just as easily be counterproductive as it breeds a spirit of competition (them and us) and provides an opportunity for different faith groups to take pot shots at the other.
To learn more about 'Faith Off' follow this link:
Aislinn Simpson, 'Britain’s first interfaith game show launched by Islam Channel', Telegraph, 27 May 2008.
Dr. Geoff Pound
Image: “‘Faith Off’ will have the flashing lights, buzzers, puns and prizes that are common to ordinary game shows.”
Christians and Churches in the UAE, ETE, 23 May 2008
UAE: No. One for Inter-Faith Relationships, ETE, 22 October 2007.
The links for the Inter-Faith Dialogue:
The full text of the letter referred to seeking dialogue is ‘A Common Word between Us and You’ and it is found at these links in Arabic and in English.