The Mall of the Emirates posts a courtesy policy on its doors and it has a couple of points that are distinctive to the UAE.
The blue sign placed on the sliding glass doors advises visitors to:
"Please wear respectful clothing"
"No kissing or overt displays of affection"
"No smoking in the mall"
"No consumption of alcohol in the mall"
"No dangerous activities, i.e. sport games, rollerblading or skateboarding"
The first two rules are particular to the Emirates and perhaps different from etiquette in many western countries.
While ‘respectful clothing’ is not defined some guidelines might well apply from this post, What to Wear in the UAE.
Further explanations about this are given in an extended article by Mohammed N Al Khanin, 'Mall of the Emirates: No Kissing Please, You are at a Mall’, Xpress, 21 February 2008.
Dr. Geoff Pound
Image: Courtesy Policy, Mall of the Emirates.